Research and Planning Essay

Over the two years both my understanding and use of research and planning skills has greatly improved across all areas when creating my media products. I have become aware of the purpose of research and that is is important as it has an effect on the creativity of my work. The more in depth research I do, the more ideas I gain which I can include and adapt into my work. It has further helped me to realise the importance of following conventions in order to give the target audience what they enjoy to make it recognisable and appealing to them. However I also learnt that some conventions can be challenged and adapted to become new and exciting to the targeted audience. 

When creating my AS music magazine I carried out a basic preliminary task and used templates for my planning. Therefore this only required basic skills and understanding in research and planning as I didn’t really carry out any research. When creating my magazine I researched other magazines of that specific genre and simply imitated the basic layout and colours used. Therefore this lack of skill limited intertextuality and my creativity of being able to research and take a variety of ideas from a wide range of different sources and being able to create something more unique and creative. This supports Bentley’s theory of bricclage, as despite having limited resources I combined common conventions and layout ideas into creating my own music magazine.

Furthermore my understanding of the usefulness of research and conventions was very basic. I researched different music magazines and by doing this I was able to recognise the common conventions used. I was also able to interpret the basic meanings of what certain conventions connoted. This skill therefore developed my creativity as I could apply these meanings and denote them in new ways through the conventions of my own magazine. However, over the 2 years I have learnt that having more research leads to a better understanding and knowledge of the different conventions which may have improved my creativity. For example I could have improved by carrying out more research such as going to a rock music event as this was the genre I chose. This would have given me a much better insight into what rock music is and helped me to understand the target audience more and in turn make me more creative as I would have had more inspiration.

When looking at my A2 work for my horror trailer it is evident that my skills in research and planning have improved. This is important as this product I am creating has to be very creative and there are many more aspects and conventions involved. Over the 2 years I have learnt that research and planning requires a lot of time and dedication and have therefore ensure that I done this this year.  This includes using a variety of different softwares including survey monkey in order to create questionnaires and gather the results. I then analysed these results and made conclusions which further helped me to have a better understanding of what the target audience want therefore giving my product a purpose. Research also included researching and analysing other trailers and paying great attention to all of the aspects such as timing, pacing, lighting etc. This therefore shows development as I have understood the importance of research and planning and that it takes a lot of attention and dedication. Furthermore by doing this it expanded my intertextuality as it meant I had more influences and inspiration.

Moreover, when looking at the planning I carried out for my AS music magazine, I can see that I have done a lot more planning for my A2 horror trailer.  For example when planning for taking my photos for my music magazine, I just organised a location and date and told those I wanted in the shoot how to dress and stand. However when planning for filming my horror trailer this year it has taken a lot more time and effort. For example it has included researching appropriate locations and visiting these locations in person before hand to assess them.  Furthermore, I have had to ask for permission and carry out a risk assessment of the locations to check that they’re suitable for my trailer. This is because over the 2 years I have learnt the importance of conventions and therefore that locations play a key part in conveying meaning and in looking effective.

Therefore over the 2 years, through gaining further understanding and knowledge I believe that I have developed as a Post-Modern Media Producer. I have created new products which previously did not exist through reimagining and through the influence of other products. I have learnt to combine, adapt and create existing and new ideas and created whole new products of my own which show expression and have a purpose. 


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